I’m have handpicked 16 toys that I would be more than happy to trip over in the hallway and I’m giving one of you guys the lot! A $400 toy giveaway for Christmas.
I really want to spoil my kids at Christmas time, I do. I want them squeal, and jump up and down and gasp at the sheer enormity that they find when they see their haul. I want them to cuddle random objects. I do!
But I also really don’t love a lot of toys that are on the market. I’m a total toy snob. Things that are beautiful and useful, that kids engage in, that have been designed – not just made, that’s the sort of stuff I want my kids to play with. And at this time of the year I find it hard to balance those two sides of myself.
When Tiger Tribe approached me to collaborate with them on a gift guide, I was so excited. Mostly because I LOVE small businesses and they are exactly that; a small family business who wholesales awesome stuff (that suits our play philosophy perfectly) to other small businesses. So many of my favourite shops stock their products, and we already own from their range. I knew that putting together a gift guide including their products would be super simple.
The one thing that wasn’t easy was having to limit my choices, I could have shared so many more of their products but I had to cut it off at a $400 price tag…because everything in this guide is going home to one of you lucky readers. For realz!
Now have I got your attention?
Anyway, let me walk you through what I have chosen.
1) Our World Floor Puzzle $30 Tiger Tribe, 2) Racoon Animal Wobbles $15 Tiger Tribe, 3) A-Z Maganatab $45 Tiger Tribe, 4) Pull & Hop Bunny $55 Tiger Tribe, 5) Free Play Magnatab $35 Tiger Tribe, 6) Animal Pals Memory Game $25 Tiger Tribe, 7) Petite Collage First Words Book $20 Tiger Tribe, 8) Whale Squirter Toy $20 Tiger Tribe, 9) Crazy Eyes Puppy $8 Tiger Tribe, 10) Autogami Solar Car $25 Tiger Tribe, 11) Mini Ducks $7 Tiger Tribe, 12) Cement Mixer $16 Tiger Tribe, 13) Unicorn Play Ball $16 Tiger Tribe, 14) Ballo $25 Tiger Tribe, 15) Squadron Racers $20 Tiger Tribe, 16) Tambourine $25 Tiger Tribe, 17) Cuppi $12 Tiger Tribe.
Tiger Tribe is a wholesale distributor of all of these rad things but if you want to grab any of them online, check out their stockists here or find a store near you.
Or if you want to win it all just follow the prompts below to enter. (Australian residents only)
Congratulations Kyla Battershill! I loved your comment so much, I maybe cried. Both times I read it, and again now just a little bit.
“My most vivid Christmas morning memory was Christmas 2014. My son was born on the 20th and we came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. As I’d had a complicated cesarean I was still unable to get in and out of bed and so my son and I had to sleep the night in the lounge room next to the Christmas tree. I did all the night feeds by the light of the tree lights. It was truly magical for my son to wake on his very first morning at home, on Christmas morning, by our Christmas tree. That is the Christmas I will never ever forget.”
Enjoy your haul darling.
1) Make sure you’re following Tiger Tribe and Patchwork Cactus on Instagram.
2) Tell me in the comments section below about your most vivid Christmas morning memory.
3) Keep an eye out on Instagram to see the if you have won, we will be drawing the winner on the 9th of December!
If you enjoyed this post and want to give me a virtual fist bump you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or sign up to my Mailing List. You can also ‘pin’, ‘share’, ‘tweet’ or ‘like’ this post using the buttons at the bottom of the post, xoxo babs
When I was about 7, my brother and I woke up to brand new desks filled to the brim with stationery, it was a creative kid’s dream come true!
I don’t remember how old i was, but i have a great memory of getting water pistols one year, and then going crazy with them in the heat. Perfect aussie Christmas
My most vivid Christmas memory was catching my older brother and my dad in my parents walk in wardrobe holding my Christmas stocking. When sprung they managed to convince me the Santa had just given it to them to give to me (‘didn’t you hear the sleigh bells just then?!’). Ha ha! ps my instagram is @violetjam
Early one Christmas morning before the sun had risen my little sister woke me up saying “nessa! Wake up, santas been!”
So we snuck out and opened our presents and ate our lollies before everyone had got up. We passed out not long after mum got up and she put us back to bed.
As a mum now, I can’t imagine how disappointed mum must have been that she missed out on seeing us open our presents and the joy it gave us.
All I remember was how excited we were santa had snuck in without us hearing him again…
Most vivid Christmas morning memory would be the one where I met my little girl, born just before the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve. First runner up goes to the morning where I, aged 7 or so, opened all my presents under the tree before mum and dad woke up (egged on by my big sister). Mum was a wee bit cranky that Christmas 😂
My most vivid Christmas morning memory was Christmas 2014. My son was born on the 20th and we came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. As I’d had a complicated cesarean I was still unable to get in and out of bed and so my son and I had to sleep the night in the lounge room next to the Christmas tree. I did all the night feeds by the light of the tree lights. It was truly magical for my son to wake on his very first morning at home, on Christmas morning, by our Christmas tree. That is the Christmas I will never ever forget.
When I was about 6 or 7 we had Christmas at my grandparents house, and I woke in the morning and saw that Santa’s sleigh had ‘mowed’ a path through the lawn, and there were reindeer footprints on the patio. Of course my Father and grand father had mowed the strip and pained the footprints in the middle of the night! I was so amazed by it!
The chaos of Christmas morning present opening when I was a child…. always right before lunch and always oldest to youngest (grandpa, dad, mum followed by us, 6 kids). Absolute bedlam! Now with my own family, and with the changes that each year brings, Christmas is so different and whilst I wouldn’t change seeing my children’s excitement on a Christmas morning, I do miss what Christmas used to be.
My favourite memory was seeing a pink skateboard under the tree, I didn’t ask for it and that made it so exciting that I road it straight down the stairs accidentally.
Being filmed opening presents by dad with a camcorder that could have filmed the moon landing it was so big. Crimped hair, tshirt nighties, missing front teeth and santa bears from grace bros. So good!
I really wanted a bike, and when I woke up I didn’t see one. It was on the verandah but I didn’t find it until after my giant tantrum. Mum told me that Santa would fly back down and take it away if I didn’t behave better. And I lived in fear for a year!
I was three. My older sister and I ran to the tree first thing on Christmas morning, and had pictures taken with these log-shaped gifts from our parents. The photos show the anticipation and pure excitement on our faces. We then ripped the presents open to find ….. pyjamas. It was our first lesson in hiding utter disappointment (we failed miserably). In retrospect it is funny, but for my own wonderful, thoughtful child I would love to win these beautifully crafted toys, so that his memories of Christmas are full of discovery and magic!
My most vivid Christmas morning memory is waking up and walking into the living room and seeing the Christmas tree lit up with presents everywhere and a tent set up that I had been wanting. I played in the tent all day! I even ate my breakfast and lunch in it, lol.
When I was 8 my then 16 yr old brother made me a present from Santa, as I unwrapped the present I note after note of instructions sending me hopping and skipping and spinning around the house until finally arriving at another present. My first cassette which went with my super cool new Walkman.
My bro was always (and still is) protective of his little sister 🙂
I remember getting a cabbage patch kid and being really disappointed because he was a boy. I was gutted.
My fav Christmas memory was waking up to find a brand new swing set in the backyard! The ‘elves’ had left a note e few days earlier when we found holes dug in the grass outside, saying they were planning for Santa for Christmas. My sisters and I had no idea what the holes were for, but we’re very excited to find a fully installed swing set Christmas morning. Those elves were clever.
I remember waking up to Christmas songs and a present just near my pillow. Always knew its from my parents eventhough they say its from Santa.
I remember a week or so before Christmas there were a few present under the tree for my parents, one was for me and the paper was slightly ripped so I snuck a peak. It was something I was nagging them for so I was super excited (it was one of those kids home science kits, you know make ur own slim kinda stuff). Anyway Christmas Day arrived I run down to open my presents only to see that that particular one was gone and another in its place. After opening all my gifts I asked about the ‘other’ present… apparently they had to return it because the toy had a recall haha turns out the slim wasn’t safe for kids…whoops
I remember my sister and I being woken up very early one Christmas morning by our brother. He was shaking us saying “look what you got”……. he had opened all our presents and was waking us up to show us what they were.
I remember the year I got a mouse as a Christmas present. I had been asking for one all year but was so shocked when I recieved her. She was in a cage in my parents bathroom and I was so excited. I will never forget that!
When I was 8, my brother and I got our first bikes. That Christmas was the best!
My most vivid Christmas morning memory is when I was about 4 years old and seeing a huge life size rag doll next to our Christmas tree. My parents were refugees and that year they wanted to make Christmas special for us, they were still learning about western traditions but had met enough Australians to get an idea of what they were supposed to do. They bought a cheap Christmas tree and bought each of my siblings and I a toy from the lifeline store. They were all big stuffed toys and we absolutely loved them. That was the first Christmas I remember receiving a present.
I remember being 6 or 7 and announcing to my mum on Christmas Eve that I wanted a ‘dinky diary’. They were these little diarys that were popular at the time. This must have sent my parents into overdrive. Mum sent dad to scour the shops 15 minutes before everything shut, and my dad, the legend got the last one in David Jones! It restored my faith in Santa at the time as I had mentioned it so late and knew it would be near impossible to get! I loved that diary so much lol. Was the beginning of my stationary obsession and also probably explains why I love doing the same for my children now. Seeing the joy on their face when a wish comes true. Can’t beat it!
When I was at the age of starting to think Santa might not be real my parents went all out with the bitten into cookies and half drunk glass of milk, they tied a ribbon to my gift from Santa and it lead all the way to my room with little notes attached along the way, that day even though I was growing up I felt that magic of Christmas!! I just had a baby gir 2 months ago, and can’t wait to be her Santa and do special things to make Christmas magical for her (Also can’t wait to be the tooth fairy, and Easter bunny lol) @vesselvine
I remember waking up when it was still dark and sneaking out to see the presents. Except my brother got a go cart – which I fell over, made a huge crash that caused my Dad to come out and look. He found me hiding behind the couch! I think it was only 2 in the morning so he sent me back to bed!
I have to go with my last Christmas with my dad in 2014. It was spent at Melbourne airport as my husband and I were about to head off to New Zealand for our (very belated) honeymoon. We drank awful airport coffee and ate an amazing picnic packed by Mum. It was great at the time but even more special now
When I was about 9 years old I remember creeping into the family room in the early hours of the morning to see if Santa had been. To my astonishment, there in the dark, was the jolly man himself! Fast asleep on our couch! I quickly ran back to my bedroom so as not to be seen.
My older sister tried to tell me that it was just the cushions all piled up. I think she was just jealous that she didn’t see him for herself.
I remember I had really wanted a set of Walkie talkies (they were all the rage at the time) so I could ride around on my bike with my friends and we could radio each other, as we grew up in a small town and lived really close to one another. We only got one or two gifts as kids as we didn’t have much and I woke up on Christmas and there was a gift under the tree that was rectangular and I was absolutely sure it was walkie talkies in a box but not..it was a harmonica and harmonica song book! Haha my dad was and still can be pretty terrible at gift selection. I was so gutted at the time and remember only playing the harmonica a handful of times to humour my dad. Looking back now I think how special it was that even though my dad never really gets the things I would choose for myself he always puts thought into his gifts and just him going out and intentionally purchasing it himself for me is enough 🙂
My most vivid Christmas morning memory is …..
When i was a little girl my dad taught me the true spirit of Christmas – He use to bake lots of yummy cupcakes and on Christmas morning we use to share those cupcakes with the Aged Care people near our home .This tradition became part of my life & now i bake cupcakes with my son and take him with me to share the cupcakes with the AGED CARE people in our area just to see smiles on their faces.
And the best part is now my son says that when he will grow up ,he will also bake cupcakes and take his kids to meet the AGED CARE people first thing on Christmas morning every year.
Age 5, shopping with my mum, I saw a white pram with huge strawberries all over it. I remember thinking how beautiful it was and to my delight, there it was Christmas morning! How did Father Christmas know, I didn’t even mention it! I was so amazed. To top things of I also got a Strawberry Shortcake doll, the one you could squeeze and her breath smelled of strawberries. I was in strawberry 🍓 heaven!!
My most vivid memory of Christmas was last year when I woke to realize I had the biggest Christmas blessing that I had ever had, a baby son, merely 2 months old. I’d told my family that I didn’t want anything for Christmas as I already had the biggest blessing ever. I’d had trouble conceiving in the past and had lost my first baby. So my little man made all my wishes come true and made Christmas 2015 so very special for my family! I’m already excited to see his little face awaken this Christmas morning. Having some extra awesome gifts wrapped up for him would just top it all off!
I remember waking up to new bike with a basket, having mangos for breakfast and spent all day on my bike and playing in the pool. This is the tropical Queensland way to spend Christmas and of course a big lunch with the family. I was way to much in love with my bike to want anything to do with anyone.
A Christmas Day tradition try out any beach toy at the beach. 6am I was 9 years old out paddling with dolphins on my surf ski.
We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful country.
We lived in a kit home when I was little, on the Central Coast, it was a bit like a tree house inside and our bedrooms ran along a big internal landing like a big balcony so I used to sneak out on Christmas Eve and peer over the railing at our Santa sacks below, hoping to catch a glimpse of the big man coming down our chimney! I will never forget this, it is probably the most magical memory I have of my early childhood, popping in and out of my bed – the excitement of seeing the Santa sacks suddenly full will never leave me!
Growing up we didn’t have much, we went without and had to rely on salvation army food vouchers to see us through some weeks.
My most treasured memory is one from when i was 5. I remember my mum and dand making me stay in my room as there was something special in the car. When i was allowed out there was the biggest present i could imagine under the christmas tree, oh how i wanted to peek, and I’m pretty sure i tried.
Unfortunately my dad past away not long before christmas,so he never got to see the joy of opening that present – a barbie camper van, complete with teeny tiny cutlery. Looking back i know how much it would have cost and what a struggle it would have been to save.
Our beloved family dog munching his merry way through midnight snacks meant for Santa & his reindeer much to my son’s chagrin!
When i was 7 i woke up at 4am before my parents and ate the entire contents of my stocking (santa was always very generous with the chocolates)
Naturally my stomach hurt afterwards and i was losing “the mood” until i unwrapped a giant inflatable whale for our pool. I forgot about my belly ache and “Willy” as he was quickly named brought so much fun to that day and the entire summer and he miraculously lived until my teens years where i went from riding him to lazily sunbathing on his back.
Now i watch my own little girl riding her own whale in our pool.
I remember i get small gift everyday in my christmas stocking then a big one on christmas day.
In my family we are of German heritage and celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. The entire extended family gather in the afternoon for dinner and then a present opening ceremony. My earliest memory of Christmas is of my older cousins making the rule that all the younger children (about 7of us) had to wait for the first star until be could open our presents up. I can recall all of us staring up at the sky looking for stars and only seeing aeroplanes and getting so excited then disappointed… must’ve been early- 5pm hahaha. We still hold this tradition and are enforcing this rule with our own children now.
Watching my brother and sister who were young adults sucking the meat from the lobster legs and then trying to use the legs as straws during Christmas lunch. Hilarious!
Racing into the lounge room and clawing open our gifts from Santa to find that he had delivered us a Super Nintendo. I knew right then that Santa was real because there was no way my struggling single mum would ever be able to afford such an expensive present. That year Christmas truly felt magical.
When we were teenagers she told us she had saved every spare cent she had for the whole year to afford it.
My first Christmas where Santa did not visit our home. My biggest fears were confirmed. He was not real. But instead of small gift from Santa, I got a big one…from my parents! So it wasn’t that bad after all.
When I was 7 and I got my Beauty and the Beast tent…I lived in there in the middle of the living room for the longest time with my collection of treasure trolls. Pure bliss.
I’ll never forget that Christmas Day morn
I turned on my light at the crack of dawn.
There lay my Santa Sack next to my bed
I couldn’t wait to see what had been delivered by sled.
Books, stationery and some hair elastics I could see
But there was one particular treat that filled me with glee.
I recognised the tube, all white and blue
My favourite treat of all, yes, it’s true.
So off came the lid, and the smell was so sweet
Now it was time for this scrumptious little treat.
So I squirted it into my mouth, a little at a time
All silky and rich, totally sublime.
So what was in the tube? I hear you say
Well, I don’t think our kids would be eating it today.
It was condensed milk, oh boy, was it delish
That childhood memory, my Christmas wish!
Not on instagram, aint that a cunt.
My most vivid memory of Christmas would be when I was about 5. It was christmas eve and my big brother got me out of bed and we opened every present under the tree. Not only did we open the wrapping paper but every box of chocolatesand ate some, every package and every container. Needless to say that my mum was quite angry bit now years and years later she laughs at us when she re tells the story every christmas.
I remember waking up very early one Christmas morning (I must have been about 10), opening my bedroom door and something falling on top of me in the dark! My screams woke up the entire household. Turns out Santa decided to leave my beautiful new bike right outside my bedroom door for me haha!
@stakky32 on Insta 🙂
Christmas when I was 8 years old, I woke early, as all children do Christmas morning, though I woke to the distinct sound of Santa’s sleigh & especially the sound of reindeers on the roof. I was to afraid to peek out the window, should I really see jolly Santa & his reindeers. Of course my dad, had been on the roof early morning with bells & was ringing them, I believed it was Santa & the reindeers, well after I knew the truth – the magic & amazement of Christmas, I can still hear the jingle to this day 🌲
I was 8, and desperately wanted a Barbie. I’d never had one and wrote Santa a note BEGGING for one. Christmas morning, opened my gifts, and there was Peaches and Cream Barbie. I was over the moon, jumped, cried and laughed, then ignored everything else so I could play with her right then and there.
Sorry but my most vivid memory is a sad one, I woke to my father burning everything we had, all the presents, all we had left were the clothes on our back but things have improved since then 🙂
As the youngest of a pretty poor family I never got anything brand new – until one Christmas I got a red brand new BMX bike, I’ve never been so excited in my life, I rode that bike in my nightie all morning, and for the next 2 years non stop 🙂
Mine was waking up on Christmas Day, only to find the hubby had let the kids open their pressies without me. 🙁
my brothers face when i woke him up at 4am
Wayyyyy back in the 80’s my Mum got Christmas day WRONG and me and my brothers got up, opened presents, had a fantastic Christmas lunch and did the whole shebang. Being little, we had no idea, until Mum wondered why no one had called us to wish us a merry Christmas. It was only when she called my Uncle that he told us it was only the 24th!! So he invited us over on the 25th and we got to do Christmas all over again the next day!!! Best Christmas ever!!
Waking up to find flour footprints in the shape of reindeer hoofs leading from our front door to the Christmas tree where the carrots were. I was too young to try to work our why reindeer were leaving flour footprints or how they came into the house without waking us!
I had been dreaming about a pink bike with a white flower basket and shiny tassles on the handle bars when I was 6 years old. I was completely obsessed and would constantly draw the bike reminding my parents of what it looked like. I then found the bike in a catalogue and I carried the crumpled up picture in my pocket for months! Dud I get the shock of my life Christmas day when I opened santas gift! So I go to push my bike out to ‘ride it’ but to my horror realised that I had no idea how to ride a bike! I spent all Christmas day with my dad teaching me to ride my bike. My most memorable Christmas ever.
My most vivid massive memories aren’t the best memories, which makes me more determined to create some awsome ones with my kids. My favourites so far are making gingerbread houses which are overly decorated with lollies so much Si that they can’t handle the weight and walking the streets on warm nights checking out the Christmas lights !!!
I remember one Christmas morning when I was a kid there was a massive thunder and lightning storm outside whilst we were opening presents inside. It was very cool and very memorable.
So anybody great Christmas memories but my favourite would be my first as a mum
ANd the excitement of actually BEING Santa for the first time!
My most vivid Christmas morning memory was when I was 9 years old. I snuck out of my top bunk bed, ever so quietly and sneakily, so I could go out and check out all the Christmas gifts before anyone else (namely my 6 year old sister that I shared a room with) got a chance too. I tiptoed through the house so I could see if Santa had indeed delivered any gifts, and I wanted to check that the cookies we baked had been consumed. When I was satisfied with my snooping, I ran back into our bedroom and woke my sister, we then ran back out to the living room so I could show her all the beautiful presents waiting for us. When she had checked them all out, we ran and jumped onto ours parents bed – turns out it was 5:30am. Whoops 😂 But my most favourite thing about Christmas morning was sharing and playing with all our news gifts, especially the pool toys we would get – because the whole family got to share. I’m almost certain my daughter will pay me back in spades for torturing my parents with the early starts 😂😂😂
One early Christmas morning when I was about 8 years old, I woke to a sound outside. Investigating where the sound was coming from, I discovered my dad wheeling a brand new bike out of the shed…. dad’s quick thinking response to my look of surprise was “Santa the silly bugger left your bike next to the shed!!” I still think about that memory and laugh.
My most vivid memory of Christmas morning is sneaking into the lounge room with my sisters before my parents woke up so we could look at our presents. We were always told we could look but not touch anything. I think that part was just as exciting as actually pulling everything out of our stockings. We would spend ages just whispering to each other about what we could see. I think sometimes our parents stayed in bed longer so that we could have that my sisters and I could have that magical time together. Hope that my children will experience the same thing!
It was a very cold and snowy Christmas morning in the UK when I walked my dog in the local woods. Someone set off fireworks in the distance and she ran away, scared. My family spent three hours searching the woods for her before eventually finding her back on our doorstep, shaking and cold. We had the most wonderful Christmas Day, really appreciating all being cosy, warm and together. lornastjohn on IG.