I tell my daughter these biscuits are ‘treats’ because I’m an evil genius. Really this is a healthy lunchbox biscuit recipe. But they are also pretty good.
I keep telling my daughter that there is a difference between everyday foods and sometimes foods. Biscuits, I tell her are a sometimes food. That's all well and good but she actually doesn't eat. Not in a fussy-eater-won't-eat-her-veggies kind of way. In a it's-7pm-and-all-she-has-had-all-day-is-half-a-piece-of-honey-toast kinda way.
Biscuits, she will eat though, so they may as well be full of just about everything possible in them. These are everyday biscuits – but don't tell her that. As far as she's concerned, these little puppies are 'treats' and if she's really good she can have one, but just one, ok maybe two but no more. Bwah ha ha ha ha. The recipe can be tweaked. If you have a bunch of dried apple, some nuts, whatever you want just chuck them in. If they are going to school, make sure you leave out any nuts though.
125g soft butter
1tsp orange rind
1 cup of brown sugar
1 & 1/3 cup of self raising flour (you can use wholemeal)
1 cup of sunflower seeds
2/3 of a cup of raisins, nuts, dried fruit etc. I use trail mix
The juice of one orange (about 80ml)
2/3 cup of desiccated coconut
2/3 cup of rolled oats
2 tbs of chia seeds
Preheat oven to 180 degrees, beat butter, rind and sugar in a mixer, add flower, and stir by hand, add other ingredients, roll into balls (measure by a heaped teaspoon size) arrange on oven tray (oiled or with baking paper on it) lightly squash with a fork and bake for 15 mins.
If you enjoyed this tutorial and want to give me a virtual fist bump you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter. You can also 'pin', 'share', 'tweet' or 'like' this tutorial using the buttons at the bottom of the post, xoxo babs
I have the fussiest kids in the world! Well my oldest is the worst and the boys. I might try this but without orange rind, I just can’t stand oranges! Or I strange or what? Have a fab weekend
These sound great Babs. I’m loving chia seeds at the moment – the way they swell in your stomach and make you feel fuller for longer is exactly what this over-indulger needs!
Thanks for linking with I’m Pinning Around. xx
PS. There aren’t any buttons on the bottom of this post for me. I’m using safari, so that might be the reason, but I thought I mention it anyway. xx
Biscuit /ˈbɪskɨt/ is a term used for a variety of baked, commonly flour-based food products. The term is applied to two distinct products in North America and the Commonwealth of Nations and Europe. For a list of varieties, see the list of biscuits and cookies.http://www.needithosting.com/