Cumin, you know you’re curious. Just click through and you will know all about the magical and medicinal properties of Cumin – it will stop you’re lovers and chickens wandering. I know I would be really sad if my chickens wandered.
The sixth and maybe final, haven't decided yet, installment of my medicinal and magical properties of herbs and spices mini-ish series is Cumin. I left it until last because it makes me snigger, cumin' admit it, you chuckled too.
Medicinal: Cumin has many health benefits, it’s high in iron and it is a strong natural immune system booster that can give your body a leg up if you have a cold or the flu. If you are battling sleeplessness, eating a teaspoon of the fried cumin powder mixed with the pulp of a ripe banana is said to be a great way for you to find your snooze. Cumin also helps your nails and hair grow, long, strong and shiny.
Magical/ Superstitious: Pagans use cumin for protection and to ensure fidelity in relationships. This idea may have roots in a very cute Middle Ages superstition that claimed the scattering of cumin powder or seeds kept chickens and lovers from wandering.
Random: Apparently if you keep a little pile of cumin seeds in the corner of your cupboards, you won’t have to worry about moth related issues.
So I think that's it for my mini-series pepes, it turns out we can do lots of cool stuff with herbs and spices. Got basil, black pepper, cinnamon, bay leaves or mint, then go check out what you can do with them, cumin, you know you want to.
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Hell yeah I will virtually fist pump you! Yeah. I use Cumin all the time yay for my hair and nails (and fidelity of my boyfriend hehe)