Calling all insta-mums to #helpamumout and give me some ideas – why oh why do we have to feed them everyday?
If you are one of those people who thinks pictures of food on Instagram is obnoxious, look away now. Because apparently I don't only gram my food, I then blog about said instagrammed food.
I do it because it's cute, I do it because it's fun, I do it because of how the light shines through my kitchen window and makes everything look so nice.
But most of all, I do it because I like to share moments of reality in the hope that some parent who is standing in a kitchen, checking their feed, bored of feeding their kids AGAIN may gain a bit of inspiration from another mum
Obviously there's nothing super special here, peanut butter, chicken, watermelon, spaghetti, repeat. But I just feel like if I only feed my kids a small collection of meals all the time – I'm thinking you guys do the same right? But I also figure that the food you cook is different to mine and that you are equally bored of it. Yeah?
I sometimes think, when I'm pulling up to the checkout next to another mum, that it would be cool to just swap trollies and take home all their food. That would really mix things up a bit. I can't be the only person who has ever felt like that can I? It's usually on a Friday night where myself and another trolley-pushing-leopard-skin-clad-mamma share a knowing look that means something in the area of; shopping-sans-kids-is-my-new-clubbing.
I digress. Just ignore that last bit of you are looking for something that has a clear direction.
So I'm thinking that maybe, if all the insta-mums maybe shared some simple food inspo, then maybe we could stop feeding our kids the same thing everyday – ya know? #helpamumout, help this mum out. I need your ideas. We need each others ideas. So I'm going to head off and hashtag all my food pics with #helpamumout and I'm inviting you to do the same. It could be fun ; )
The top picture is breakfast – all peanut butter and banana creations with some dried cranberries and saltanas thrown in for effect. Except for the mountains, that is Vegemite and cheese – the bad kind. I am a long time fan of Idafrosk and she is the QUEEN of food art! This is not art, obvs, this is just me trying to make my kids smile.
The second is snacks; my second favourite word. Nothing special, pretty standard really except that the popcorn has sprinkles on it. It was Friday.
And the one above is dinner; my arch nemesis. Spaghetti, chicken salad (Panko chicken recipe here), celery with hummus and quiche made with mountain bread. Not going to break any records for excitement but hey. Care to #helpamumout?
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When I was stuck anything made with eggs, lasagne or fish was a hit…I wanna swap trolleys with someone now x