Here is a list of 100 Montessori activities to do with your preschooler at home. So next time they say, I’m bored…here you go.
Good morning,
I used to do this thing called #pcmontessoriaday on the blog.
It was a monthly list of prompts for Montessori inspired activities that parents and toddlers/preschoolers could do and share on social media. Lots of people joined up and we had fun, I even opened up a new Instagram account for it. And it felt really good actually creating super useful content. But, I was quite busy at that point, giving birth, buying a house, breast feeding, two year old taming, losing my mind etc…
Doing the specific activity on a specific day just stressed me out, I mean, I needed to supervise a toddler scrubbing a table like I needed a hole in the head some days. And others? Well the bored toddler and encrusted wheatbix were really calling for each other. It just seemed like maybe following a list instead of following the child was counterproductive. To me anyway.
Other parents who didn’t know how to Montessori found it really helpful though, so yesterday I made a new list. One that can be used as a reference at anytime for any child up to the age of about six. Some of the items can even be great thought starters for older kids.
There are so many amazing resources for learning how to Montessori at home, so I am going to slowly add links to all of these list points, please feel free to leave a comment if you find a good tutorial and I’ll add it into the post. Also, ask questions, make friends and if you want to connect with other Montessori parents, feel free to share your pics and use the hashtag #pcmontessoraday.
Also, do you want some tips on how to tweak your house to encourage independence? Thought so.
Here is the list. Enjoy.
- Grate some cheese
- Collect sticks.
- Dust a shelf.
- Make a peg box.
- Do some stretches.
- Explore the timeline of life.
- Cook and share something.
- Look at, then create some art.
- Feel different textures.
- Do the washing up.
- Talk about weather and use a thermometer.
- Smell some herbs.
- Practice waiting.
- Fold a towel.
- Explore patterns.
- Wash a window.
- Polish or clean some shoes.
- Scrub a table.
- Pour some water.
- Go for a walk and explore.
- Try getting dressed all by yourself.
- Find some things that sink and float.
- Make a masking tape highway.
- Arrange things from biggest to smallest.
- Water a plant.
- Pack away toys.
- Set up an activity corner.
- Help make a bed.
- Look at a map or globe.
- Feed an animal.
- Open and close some lids.
- Create some continent boxes.
- Wash your own face in front of a mirror.
- Peel and chop a banana.
- Use a dustpan and brush.
- Transfer some little things.
- Peg some clothes on a line.
- Use a magnet.
- Make cloud dough.
- Spoon some dry oats from one bowl into another.
- Button a shirt.
- Walk on a line.
- Butter some bread.
- Drink out of a glass.
- Put on shoes.
- Collect some leaves.
- Learn to use chopsticks.
- Talk about shapes.
- Create a multimedia artwork.
- Try a new food.
- Dance to music.
- Find five red things.
- Carry a tray or plate.
- Make some Sandpaper Letters.
- Get dirty.
- Fold a tea towel.
- Pack a bag.
- Bake something.
- Put on socks.
- Sweep the floor.
- Draw some shapes in a tray full of sand.
- Help with dinner.
- Plant a seed.
- Match some socks.
- Rake some leaves.
- Scrub your nails.
- Use a padlock and key.
- Make some colour tablets.
- Do a puzzle.
- Use a zipper.
- Thread a necklace out of DIY straw beads.
- Wash some potatoes.
- Pick and arrange some flowers in a vase.
- Practice putting on a hat in front of a mirror.
- Learn a new song.
- Peel and slice a hardboiles egg.
- Make a mess and clean it up.
- Use a new type of transport.
- Find 10 things that are green.
- Practice manners.
- Talk about sounds.
- Make a flag.
- Polish some metal.
- Wash some fruit.
- Sew some card.
- Learn about the parts of a tree.
- Use scissors.
- Listen to relaxing music.
- Brush your hair.
- Explore some sounds.
- Use a pair of tongs.
- Draw letters in a tray full of sand.
- Collect natural treasures then draw them.
- Do one of these transferring activities.
- Mop the floor.
- Research planets.
- Download some Montessori Apps.
- Tie your shoes.
- Do a science experiment.
- Follow your child.
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