This seems like a weird thing to blog about. But I just finished reading The Happiness Project and the author talks about how happiness is compounded if you share it with someone else.
This seems like a weird thing to blog about.
But I just finished reading The Happiness Project and the author talks about how happiness is compounded if you share it with someone else. For example; when your chid does something lovely it makes you happy. But if you take the time to call a grandparent and tell them about this, the happiness you feel will be greater for reliving it. Make sense?
So last week I was included on a list of 7 Instagram mums worth a follow. Cool right?
Along with a bunch of other emotions (confusion, self consciousness, unworthiness, surprise, pride) happiness was the main one I was feeling. It is a pretty special feeling to get a high five like that but it was quickly shadowed by my interest in watching my stats rise and then followed by a bit of stage fright that saw me scared to post a picture for a few days. Seriously, I got totally stuck!
I realised that I hadn't focussed on the 'happy' enough and instead had let all the other feels take over. So I'm taking the time to share this happy thing that happened to me, in a bid to compound my happiness about it. It's already working. Although it feels a bit self-horn-tooty and that is actually taking away from it a bit, but I'll push through.
And now I'm opening it up to you guys, do you have something happy you want to share with us? Pop it in the comments section below and watch the happiness compound.
Check out my other Instagram and photography related posts here.
xoxo Babs
p.s thanks for following me on Instagram (if you do) you guys are the reason I bother to take so many pictures of our life.
Best book. Best idea. Best pics. Best blue plates.
Thanks darling xoxo