A montessori checklist to make your home more ‘prepared’ for your little ones and a bunch of activities for you to try at home.
I'm just popping in to tell you two things today. Firstly I have created a little checklist to help you make your home more Montessori, people often ask me where they start when it comes to creating a Montessori home so I thought I would write a list, because lists are really cool. It's a gift for my email subscribers so if you go and sign up here, you can download it. Bribery bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha.
And secondly, I was doing a quick refresh of the activities today so I just thought I would share the new ones with you.
The trays all live in a vintage sideboard in our backroom where I keep all of Scout's – and soon to be Squawk's 'work'. It's simple, it has a sliding glass door, which is not exactly Montessori, but our house isn't exactly a classroom (baby Godzilla is always on the prowl) so it works for us.
So I'll just quickly fill you in on what's what and let you get back to your day.
Top picture; 1) a collection of containers to practice opening and shutting. 2) a small pile of cards with simple words on them to encourage curiosity for early literacy. 3) An embroidery thingy with needle all threaded. 3) a bowl of dominoes for stacking, building and all the rest.
Below; 1) giant tweezers, two jars and some felt balls for transferring. 2) a work mat to roll out for floor work. 3) a small plant to look after. 4) This card sewing activity.
All the activities are prepared so the lady does not need my help to get started, All the jars are glass, so if you drop them they break – important lesson right there – and all the materials are pleasing to the eye and undamaged because you want the kids to love, use and respect them!
Anyway, enjoy, feel free to comment with any questions and check out more of my Montessori stuff here!
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Your projects are simple in design, but look like they’d be effective in encouraging small fingers and developing minds. Keep creating! Grandma’s
House Patterns