I recently moved my office into the spare room and gained a cute little corner of my living room back. So obviously I went directly into a Pinterest deep dive. Reading nook designs
I mean, how often do you get to look at a space in your house with fresh eyes? We have a big reno planned (like whole house moves around + extension big) and this little corner will end up being part of our master bedroom. So after a LOT of contemplation, I decided that a reading nook was the right use for it.
My idea is that it will have a built-in plywood shelf and some sort of chair + footstool thing happening but when I consulted Pinterest I realises that I was doing it all wrong. Like WHY WASN’T I TURNING IT INTO THIS WINDOW BOX?! The answer; umm – because I’m not living on acreage and looking straight at my next door neighbours front door may be a bit weird. Reading nook designs
Anyway, below are 14 reading nooks I would happily quit my life for, enjoy.
All the image credits can be found here. Main image by Krads. Reading nook designs
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