I wanted to give you guys a chance to win some beautiful Minouche clothing for a little girl in your world. How does a $150 voucher sound?
{Giveaway closed, winner to be announces ASAP}
I am totally in love with this new Aussie brand called Minouche.
Like totally.
If you were going to have a daydream about a whimsical moment, picking flowers with your daughter in a meadow for example? Then this is where one of their outfits would fit in perfectly.
But in the real world they look just as at home teamed with a pair of converse and a skate park backdrop.
I love when Scout wears their gear, her birthday party outfit was so perfect, I couldn't stop smiling every time she spun around or checked herself out in the mirror.
Loving herself sick.
So I decided to team with them to give you guys a chance to win some gear. How does a $150 Minouche voucher sound?
OK let's do this.
To be in the running to win the voucher you need to do two things.
1) Sign up to the Patchwork Cactus newsletter (I only send them about once a month and totally respect your email privacy)
2) Head to Minouche, check out their stuff and tell me in the comments section (below this post) what three words you would use to describe their clothing.
3) Cross your fingers and toes lady.
(This comp is open worldwide, a winner will be chosen 22nd of May 2016 and notified via email. This is a game of skill, we will choose based on which answer we love the most.)
If you enjoyed this post and want to give me a virtual fist bump you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or sign up to my Mailing List. You can also 'pin', 'share', 'tweet' or 'like' this post using the buttons at the bottom of the post, xoxo babs
What gorgeous clothing. Makes me think ‘chic little ladies’ I could have some fun dressing Elodie in Minouche.
Rustic, romantic & feminine.
Darling & stunningly simple.
Whimsical, floral and transeasonal
Twirly, playful and classic
Chimerical, dainty, and delightful.
Winsome, playful, timeless.
Delightful, chic and nostalgic!
Sweet, darling, gorgeous!
I love this brand so much its refreshing to see a clothing label that allows little girls to actually dress like little girls again and defines the beauty, joy, innocence, and artful wonder of childhood. The brand reminds me of lazy summer days.
My three words for the brand would be “whimsical, vintage european and modern chic”.
Treasured, darling, hills-are-alive moments.
Elsa be gone (thanks god!!🙌)
It reminds me of being a little girl and wearing the clothes that my mum had made me..
Whimsical, classic, chic
Magic worn beautifully
Classic, timeless, daydream
Whimsical, hipster, olde world
cute, quaint, silly.
Divine, classy, gorgeous
pink, sweet, retro