Have you ever had family portraits done? We did and I’m surprised how much I loved it. Probably because they are so natural and candid – I’m a total convert now.
You know when you know your family is complete? I did the moment Squawk arrived. Four is such a great number for us and even though I love a good squeeze of a newborn, I have no desire to have another at all.
It's a great feeling, contentment. It's the best feeling actually now I think of it. Is there anything better?
These candid family portraits were taken by the amazing Milk and Honey Photography last month and I am so so so in love with them. They managed to see our world perfectly, Squawks cheeky head and my total addiction to him, Scout's quirky little personality and the hilarious and different ways she relates to both myself and Pac Man, our lovely little family and most of all the complete contentment we have with our team.
It's hilarious that they were able to capture all of these things considering the argument we were having about five minutes before we got in the car. Ahhh life with tiny children.
xox Babs
Linking with Trish
Ooh Beautiful photos. Beautiful Family. No more babies hey 😉
They’re fabulous photos so I can understand why you’re happy with them!
And love that you’re contented. It’s an important state of being. (If that makes sense!)
Love it!
Aaaw, they are lovely family photos x
What lovely pictures – you all look so happy!
These shots are beautiful, Babs. What a gorgeous family you are. x