This Tomato and chorizo linguine is good, it’s like really good. Move over Jamie Oliver, I created a dinner recipe that can be made in 10 minutes, yup, you read it right – ten actual minutes start to finish – I set a timer.
This tomato and chorizo linguine is good, it's like really good. It doesn't at all taste like an I-just-chucked-this-together-in-the-time-it-takes-to-watch-two-episodes-of-Peppa-Pig recipe. Move over Jamie Oliver, I created a dinner recipe that can be made in 10 minutes, yup, you read it right – ten actual minutes start to finish – I set a timer.
As part of my Finding Organisation Series I have talked about streamlining breakfast and meal planning already. I just want the food I feed my family and the time I spend in the kitchen to feel like less of a chore. Because I LIKE cooking, I LOVE making my family so full that all they can do is pop their top button and shuffle off to bed. For a while there I was really just phoning dinner it in because it's not fun when you're not organised and I'm so bloody unorganised it's outrageous. It's a miracle I can even function, let alone run a blog. Anyhoo, here is the recipe.
1 box of fresh linguine (from the fridge section of the supermarket)
1tbs butter
1 chorizo
1tbs crushed garlic
1punnett of cherry tomatoes
1 cup of white wine or water
5 Mushrooms
1tbs pesto
Some parsley (your call on how much you use)
1 carton of sour cream
Fill and put the kettle on, turn two rings of your cooker on full ball and put a pot for the pasta on one and on the other, a saucepan for the sauce (funny that) .
Chuck the butter in the saucepan and chop the chorizo in about 5mm slices then throw them in the pan with the garlic. Throw the tomatoes in the pan too – chop them in half first if you want a more saucy sauce.
Take a breath. Pour the water in the pot and add the pasta, mine took four minutes but check the instructions on the pack for cooking times. Give the saucepan a little stir then chop the mushrooms.Add wine, pesto and mushrooms to the pan and bring to the boil.
Throw any kitchen utensils you have used in the dishwasher or sink before checking the pasta. When it's done drain it, turn the heat off on the sauce and give the counter a quick wipe down. Now just rip off some parsley and chuck it and the sour cream in the sauce and give it a stir.
Serve with a glass of red wine, volume variable and directly related to your current level of stress.
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All of my favourite things in one bowl. YUM! x